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Chevrolet Car Key Replacement San Antonio, TX

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“Honey, Where Are the Keys?”

Over the years, Chevrolet have had many great slogans such as “See the USA in your Chevrolet” or   “Chevy runs deep”. I have news for you: without the keys, it won’t run at all. With all the technical advances the auto industry has made, people still lose their car keys and the auto industry hasn’t invented a device to find them. It would be nice if you could walk up to your car without any type of key and the car would recognize you, open the door and start. We are not there yet, but cars are definitely getting closer to that ideal. However, until we get there, we have to deal with the reality of lost keys. Another problem is other people losing a key and then we buy their used car with only one key. If you like to tempt fate you can operate a vehicle with only one key. There is, however, one law you want to consider, and that is Murphy’s Law. If you only have one key or key fob and you lose it this can be a very costly experience not to mention a real pain. Why not invest in a Chevrolet replacement key San Antonio now on your terms. For most newer Chevrolets the dealership will charge around $200 for a new key and the programming. The dealership is not your only option, though. San Antonio Locksmith can make a key or key fob for most Chevrolets on the road today for a lot less money. Call us for a quote today with no obligation.

Emergency lockouts San Antonio

“Honey, I found the keys…  they’re  in the car.” This is a very frustrating situation and we know that it will never happen at a good time. Sometimes it can be an inconvenience, other times it can put you in a critical situation and panic sets in. If these were the days when the slogan “See the USA in your Chevrolet” was written, then you could use a coat hanger, and with a little sweat, a little luck, and lots of time, you could open the door. If you tried to do that today, you would trigger the alarm and possibly disable the car’s ignition system. Car door locks are more complex and everything is controlled by the vehicle’s computer unit thus tied into the electronic security system. If you lock your keys in the trunk, then the process is even more difficult. If you set off the alarm while trying to break into your own car, then the trunk release will automatically be disabled.  To avoid all of this hassle, professional help from someone with experience and training is needed.  A certified locksmith technician from Immediate Response Locksmith San Antonio will come to where you are with only one phone call! We can unlock your car without triggering the alarm and causing other problems. We are here to help you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Can a Locksmith Really Make a Key For My Car?

You might be the type of person who always takes your Chevrolet to the auto dealership for any required service. You might wonder if you should trust your Chevrolet to a locksmith instead of the auto dealership. Here are some things to think about when it comes to Immediate Response Locksmith San Antonio. We have licensed, bonded and highly qualified locksmith technicians. In order to provide the Chevrolet key replacement San Antonio service, our technicians use sophisticated equipment and are highly experienced since we deal with replacement keys on a regular basis. Our technicians can produce a Chevrolet replacement key for laser cut keys, PATS, VATS, transponders, and other high security type keys. Not all locksmiths are equipped to handle the newer cars. Laser cut keys have a distinctive winding cut on the shank and the machines needed to cut these keys are significantly more expensive.  As this is the case, they are not as likely to be found at every locksmith. The newer Chevrolet vehicles require the latest software to reprogram the car to accept a new key (such as the PEPS system). The latest smart keys have a complex security design which works with your vehicle to stop auto theft. The smart keys use a random code that is generated by the car and can only be used once. Since a new code is generated each time, it can never be duplicated by someone trying to steal your car. These systems require a trained professional. Call Immediate Response Locksmith San Antonio for all your automotive key and lock needs. We are committed to providing a quality product, great service and a great price.

Older Chevrolet vehicles

Do you have an older Chevrolet with a broken door or trunk lock? Immediate Response Locksmith San Antonio can repair or replace your broken locks onsite for less than you might think. We can also rekey all your locks. We come to where you are with our mobile repair unit and fix the problem. Are you having reoccurring issues with your ignition key? You put your key in the ignition, but it is impossible to turn the key. After several attempts of flicking the key back and forth, the key finally turns and starts the vehicle. If you don’t want to end up stranded with a car you can’t start, you need to get the ignition switch lock cylinder repaired before your ignition switch completely fails. You may think that only the dealership has the correct tools and skills to fix the ignition switch and it will be very expensive. Although this was true in times past, your options are now expanded.  You can call Immediate Response Locksmith San Antonio and we can repair or replace your ignition switch lock cylinder. A word of caution, however: do not attempt this on your own, however simple it may sound! Most Chevrolets produced from 1999 have an anti-theft device, which means that attempting to remove the lock cylinder and/or the ignition switch without proper tools may damage the ant-theft system leaving the car completely disabled.  All of our certified lock technicians have the required equipment to carry out this replacement. We also provide our Chevrolet key replacement service for older vehicles. Call us today for a free quote.

Chevrolet Car Key Replacement Service San Antonio TX
Chevrolet Car Key Replacement Service San Antonio TX
Chevrolet Car Key Replacement Service San Antonio TX
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