Privacy Policy

Immediate Response Locksmith in San Antonio

Privacy Policy – Immediate Response Locksmith in San Antonio


Understanding our privacy policy will give you an idea regarding the safeness of the information you give or contribute. The privacy policy of Immediate Response Locksmith San Antonio is carefully compiled and detailed into for the better comprehensive understanding of the site’s visitors. Also, you will have a further understanding of how PII (Personally Identifiable Information) is being utilized in the virtual world.

PII As Defined In US Privacy Law

Personally Identifiable Information is the type of information that could be either use on its own or with intent, with no limitation in order to identify, locate, and contact a person, as well as identify it or other substantial uses.

With this, it is highly advisable for our site visitors to carefully pay attention and read what is in the company’s statement of a privacy policy. As such, you would fully understand how our site gathers, protects, and processes any personal information given.

Information Are Gathered and Automatically Stored

As you visit the Immediate Response Locksmith in San Antonio site, some of the information referring to the site visit will be gathered and stored automatically in the site.  There is nothing to worry about this automatic activity registry, though. All the information gathered is only used to effectively track the data on how our site functions or works. With that, we could conduct vital changes or improvement to our site for the benefit of our customers.

Take note that said the information will just be stored and utilized for data collection purposes. We do not plan to – or even allow anyone – to take advantage of those and contact you in person.

Requiring Personal Details

Please also take note of that Immediate Response Locksmith in San Antonio is a company that specializes in locksmith’s issues and problems. Minding this, you must know that working with the company requires some of your personal details, such as your name, address, phone number, and email, among many others. This is highly needed to complete or process the locksmith service that you requested.

However, we give you an assurance that all the information you share in our site will not be sold, release, or even exchanged to something without getting your consent. We highly value the privacy of our customers, so you should not worry about it. You can trust the company regarding the safeness of your information.

To make things clearer, all the information that you disclose will be solely used for our locksmith service and nothing else more. If you are still in doubt and would want to request permanent deletion of your personal information that is gathered and/or recorded on the site, you can do by contacting us directly to request it.

How Immediate Response Locksmith in San Antonio Uses Personal Information Gathered

Starting from visiting our site’s page up to engaging in one of our locksmith services, data will be collected. This may include your site registration, survey response, purchase process, signing up, and others.

We are able to provide better locksmith service through customer service queries. As the site visitors respond to queries or survey, we will gather beneficial data in return, especially since it enables the company to better understand and know the further needs of our customers. With this, the whole locksmith services will be improved including the response time and locksmith strategy used.

  • Personalize the experiences of the users, allowing us to provide better product, content, and services.
  • For following up the correspondence of the customer’s after the service has been given.
  • To improve our website, thus giving more efficient customer service

Privacy Policy Guarantee

Immediate Response Locksmith in San Antonio will make sure that the site will only gather and store personal information, which is only allowed to disclose by the user in a voluntary way.

The site visitors or customers can voluntarily share their private information through varied ways.  This could be in the form of completing online forms provided by our website, through sending emails to us, giving the response to the follow up of the company’s customer service, becoming one of our customers, or responding and answering to particular surveys we created. Through all of these, your data is gathered.

When you provide personal information, the company will see to it that you will get prompt responses, either locksmith requests or other related service queries. Our customer service team will highly welcome such queries as well as a request from you.

On the other hand, we would sometimes contact you to ask further information regarding our services and products, the special activities or events we have, and other related information about the service and industry that we are in. We only do this if it is needed, especially if it significantly benefits our customers.

Again, you should never be uneasy regarding this matter because we are a highly trusted locksmith company that cares so much about our reputation and the trust of our customers.  We guarantee that we will NEVER share every bit of your personal information without getting your authorization.

Sending Emails

Our site may send some information through email. If you do not warrant this action, you always have the option to decline further communication from us. When we receive such notice, we see to it that we respond accordingly to your request.

You should know that some of the emails we sent to you aim to provide you with more locksmith options and best deals. Although you can disregard and cut the emails we sent, it is still ideal for you to keep updated regarding our further locksmith’s service deals.


Advertisement in the site would be under the Advertising Principles of Google.  With this, we dearly advise our site visitors to view the advertising principle of Google for further understanding. These advertisements might be spread on the site and it would give additional great experiences to the customers. To let you know, below are some services that are implemented in the site.

  • Google AdSense Remarketing
  • Display Network of Google and Impression Reporting

If you have more request or queries, feel free to contact us.  We would quickly respond to any of your locksmith wonders.

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